Sunday, December 13, 2009

Revising Your GAME Plan

So far, I have learned that online discussion is a great tool to use in the classroom. Creating a forum where students can discuss topics at the safety of their key board gets many students involved who would never volunteer in class. I already incorporate a blog discussion in my class, but in the future I going to incorporate the dialogue from that into the grade book. I want my students to understand how important it is to discuss topics between each other, whether it is in the classroom or on a blog.

I am still working towards encompassing my class in technology. I took a step further to reaching that goal this week by using my updated school website to post homework and assignments. At the beginning of last week, I showed all of my students were I will be posting their homework and assignments. I am actually one of the only few teachers to be using this tool at my school. I feel it is very convenient tool that can help parents know what their students need to be doing.

The first NETS-T standard that I chose is to “engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources” (ISTE, 1997-2009). The second NETS-T standard that I chose is to “collaborate with students, peers, parents, and community members using digital tools and resources to support student success and innovation” (ISTE, 1997-2000). I believe I am getting closer to my goals, but I have not completed them to the level that I want. I think I will need to continue to work towards these to goals before I can choose any more. My progress in the past week with using my school website to post homework and assignments is a great leap forward to meeting the second goal I chose.

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