Monday, December 14, 2009

Using the GAME Plan Process with Students

The standards provided by my county include very little technology. For me to properly integrate technology into my classroom, I will need to use the standards and indicators in the NETS-S. Just as the NETS-S standards have helped me develop lessons and improve my use of technology, I can use these standards to help my students develop their use of technology.

With these standards in mind, I can have my students develop a GAME plan the same way that I did for this class. A GAME plan can help my students come up with an end goal in which they can work towards. Students using a GAME plan can see how great it is to develop goals and work in increments to meet those goals. Students can also give themselves, teachers, and other student’s positive feedback about meeting their goals. Cennamo, Ross, and Ertmer (2010) say “The GAME plan requires you to think about and take steps to direct your learning process, specifically, while learning about technology and how to integrate it into the curriculum” (pg. 3). If students can develop their own GAME plan, then they will be able to develop higher order thinking skills. Being able to develop your own GAME plan means you can use goals to guide your learning. I feel using a GAME plan is an integral part of using technology in my class and I need to incorporate this activity into my lessons.


  1. Hi Tony.
    I can relate to many of your comments since we work in the same county. I find it hard to imagine that in the year 2009, so little is written into our standards about technology!
    I agree that having students develop a game plan would be great. This would guide our students in the right direction and help them to realize what their ultimate goal is. Both the teachers and students would know what the student's goal is and both can work on getting them to meet their goals.

  2. Anthony,
    Having your students develop their own GAME plan is a wonderful idea. It will give them an opportunity to develop, evaluate, and revise goals that support their own learning. Which in turn will hold them accountable and motivate them to follow through with their actions to reach their GAME plan goals. Way to go Anthony!

